Our History

East MT. Church of Christ

EST. 1983

East Mountain Church of Christ was started in 1980. Fred Hooks was the Minister. In 1983 Jim and Deb Harvey joined the work, Jim as preaching Minister and Deb as children’s Minister. Both have served from 1983 to the present. The church presently meets in the Odd fellows Hall, 3200 East Main Street, Waterbury.

The church is based on the bible and our main goal is to spread the message of salvation to the community where we are. Our music is a mixture of old hymns and contemporary music accompanied by musical instruments.

Our musical team consists of Ray Michanczyk and Deb Harvey. Each of them have written their own original compositions and sometimes share them with us in worship.

You will NOT find here meaningless ritual, nor traditions of men taught as though they were the Word of God. Instead, there is a heartfelt outpouring of promise and thanks to our God, and the teaching of His word as the sole source of authority for His church. We are a small group of dedicated Christians who consider ourselves part of the family of Christ; brothers and sisters linked together in a common cause.

“You will be comfortable at East Mountain Church of Christ in a suit or in blue jeans!!!”

-Jim Harvey