The Swiss company Omega was responsible for constructing the scoreboards for the Olympic Gymnastics events in 1976. In preparation for the Olympics that year, they asked if a 3 digit scoreboard would be adequate, or if 4 digits would be needed in case of a perfect 10.00. They were told 3 digits would be enough since a perfect score was impossible.
They could never have for-seen that a 14 year old girl named Nadia would have 7 perfect 10.00’s before those games were over. Newspapers across the country read “The impossible isn’t.”
The lack of vision of the Olympic Committee reminds me of how easy it is to become near-sighted in our understanding of what God is capable of when we commit ourselves to Him in faith.
I am reminded of Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do more than we ask or imagine, according the power at work within us…”
The apostles of our Lord were called by the world :unlearned and ignorant men” and yet, they turned God’s world upside down because they had been with Jesus, and captured the vision of what was possible for those who commit themselves to Him. Don’t let the world dictate to you what you are capable of. Our God is able, and the impossible isn’t for those who walk in His purpose.
Dream BIG, God Bless!